Food for Thought

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 here are some brain teasers for all of you ... ahahaha hope you'll like it
A murderer is condemed to death, he has to choose between three rooms...       1st room is full of raging fire 
          2nd room is full of assasins with loaded guns
             3rd room is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years
wich room is the safest for him?

A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minuets. 
Finnaly she hangs him. But 5 minuets later they both go out together. 
And enjoy a wonderful dinner together. 
  How can this be?? 

What is black when you buy, 
Red when you use,
And gray when you throw it away??... 

Can you name the three consecutive days,
with out using the word
monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday?

There was an orange bald man,
in an orange road,
he was hit by an orange truck,
and was brought in an orange hospital,
he was taken care by an orange nurse.
 On his way home, he was given a yellow comb.
Why didn't he accept the yellow comb?