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`KD` [Dili Namo Sala]

in this web page, visitors, friends, and other affiliates with be updated with the current activities of our team/group. Here we will have our calendar of activities, pictures, blogs, and there will also be a page for each member.


If you have any suggestion for our website please feel free to send your opinions in our email address at You can send your pictures in our email if you would want them to be uploaded into our KD friends album.

TEAM `KD` members

KD` ArneL

KD` Daryl

KD`  Geo

KD` JareD

KD` JayQ

KD` Keneth

KD` Marion

KD` Patryck




Team KD` does not mean  a couple of guys who play in a game together. We are compose of young individuals that spend time together, share our problems, we are family . In good times and in bad times. We do have some heart aches towards our fellow members but we must learn to forgive and forget. After all Team KD is all about friendship. We roll together, we die tigether hahaha "wtf". {DILI NAMO SALA}